Mechatronics Technology (M.Tech)


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Safety and Occupational Health Engineering (M.Tech)


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VLSI Technology (M.Tech)


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The University offers AICTE approved 4-semester post graduate courses leading to Master of Engineering degree in 8 disciplines, namely, Civil, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Mining, Electronics and Tele-Communication, Computer Science and Technology, Engineering Mechanics and Mining and a 4-semester post graduate degree course in Master of Town & Regional Planning.

 Question Papers of MTRP (2011)    
 Question  Code  File Name
 Planning Principles and Techniques  MTRP-101  MTRP_101_2011
 Housing and Urban Renewal  MTRP-102 MTRP_102_2011
 Transportation Planning  MTRP-103 MTRP_103_2011
 Environmental Planning  MTRP-104 MTRP_104_2011
 Statistical Techniques & Computer Application  MTRP-105/2 MTRP_105_2_2011

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