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ACM Digital Library  - The full text collection covers of all Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) publications. ACM Digital Library provides access to 53 peer-reviewed scholarly journals; 8 technical magazines and complete collection of conference proceedings containing over 2,500 volumes of scholarly materials; and 37 technical newsletters.

American Chemical Society (ACS) JournalsConsisting of 49 current full text journals including the ACS Legacy Archives having back files of all the journals from volume1, Issue1.

American Institute of Physics (AIP) JournalsThe American Institute of Physics (AIP) is a non-profit corporation chartered in 1931 to advance and diffuse the knowledge of physics and its application to human welfare. An umbrella organization for 10 Member Societies, AIP represents more than 134,000 scientists, engineers and educators and is one of the world's largest publishers of physics journals. It provides access to 19 full-text journals in area of physics with archival access from 1997 onwards for most of the journals.

American Physical Society (APS) Journals - The American Physical Society (APS) publishes more than a dozen scientific journals, including prestigious Physical Review and Physical Review Letters, and organizes more than twenty science meetings each year.  The current collection includes access to 13 leading peer-reviewed research journals which includes Physical Review Letters, Physical Review X, Physical Review, and Reviews of Modern Physics. Access to APS-ALL collection including PROLA (Physical Review Online Archive) search engine (which indexes all APS journal material published from 1893 to present) is now freely available to users.

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journals - Provides access to 35 full text civil engineering journals, transactions and magazines with archival access from 1995 onwards.

American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Journals - The ASME Digital Collection, previously known as The ASME Digital Library, is ASME’s repository of current and archival literature. The collection of Complete Package for ASME Journals + AMR provides access to 29 journals with back files 2000 onwards.

Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering - (CRB) sets the standard for research and review articles of Biomedical Engineering, Engineering Medicine, Biophysics, Medical Physics and Applied Biotechnology.

Economic and Political Weekly - This journal brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines.

IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL Online, Level II)  Consisting of 154 IEEE journals, magazines and transactions; 27 IET journals and magazines, plus 20+ IET conference titles; proceedings from over 1200 IEEE and IET annual conferences; more than 2200 IEEE standards in key technology fields.

Journal of Aircraft - This full text journal is one of the best resources on the latest advancement of the applied science and technology of airborne flight. Reporting on the most important aerospace advances, this journal features original research papers spanning the spectrum of aerospace science and technology.

Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer - This full text journal covers a wide range of scholarly papers related to enhanced heat and mass transfer in natural and forced convection of liquids and gases, boiling and condensation, conduction and radiative heat transfer.

Journal of Long Term Effects of Medical Implants - MEDICAL IMPLANTS are being used in every organ of the human body. Ideally, medical implants must have biomechanical properties comparable to those of autogenous tissues without any adverse effects.

JSTOR - Currently, it has 1681 titles, including previous titles, as well as other content available. New titles and other materials are being added regularly.

Nature - Nature is the world's foremost weekly scientific journal. Discover the world's best in science and medicine.

Nature Chemistry - This full text journal covers all aspects of chemistry.

Nature Electronics - This full text journal covers both fundamental and applied research across all areas of electronics, incorporating the work of scientists, engineers and industry.

Nature Physics - This full text journal covers all aspects of chemistry.

Oxford University Press - Oxford Journals is a division of Oxford University Press, which is a department of Oxford University. It publish well over 230 academic and research journals covering a broad range of subject areas, two-thirds of which are published in collaboration with learned societies and other international organizations. OUP collections cover Life Sciences, Mathematics & Physical Sciences, Medicine, Social Sciences, Humanities, and Law, and include some of the most authoritative journals in their fields. Through the consortium, 262 Oxford University Press journals are available with back files since 1996.

Royal Society of Chemistry - The Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is the professional body for chemists and the learned society for chemistry. It provides access to RSC Gold 2018excluding archives with 51 full text journals/magazines/alerting services, back-files access since 2008.

Science Direct - Science Direct is the web-based interface to the full-text database of Elsevier Science journals, one of the world's largest providers of scientific, technical and medical literature.  We are subscribing seven subject collections -Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth and Planetary Science; Engineering; Physics and Astronomy; Materials Science and Mathematics (around 940 titles).

Scientific American - This journal is an essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding.

Springer Nature Link - 1400 full text journals can be accessed through SpringerLink. The archival access is provided from 1997 onwards.

Taylor & Francis Online - More than 1365 full text journals can be accessed with archivals access to 1998 onwards issue.

Wiley Online Journals - Consisting of 106 full text journals on different branches on Engineering, Science and Technology with archival access to 1997 (where-ever available).